South Placer Regional Transportation Authority (SPRTA)
About SPRTA:

The South Placer Regional Transportation Authority (SPRTA) is a Joint Powers Authority (JPA) comprised of the Cities of Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville and the County of Placer. The Authority was formed for the purpose of implementing a Regional Transportation and Air Quality Mitigation Fee to fund specified regional transportation projects.
SPRTA is governed by a Board of Directors representing the JPA member jurisdictions and is staffed by the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency. The Board meets monthly or as needed.
The key benefits of SPRTA include:
- Leverage: SPRTA-funded projects have attracted over $340 million in federal and state discretionary funding so far
- Local Control: project and funding priorities are all determined and administered locally
- Flexibility: SPRTA funds have been able to fill gaps and keep projects moving when federal and state dollars lag
- Equity: all new development in the South Placer area contributes their fair share to the regional projects, including state highways.
The Placer County Transportation Planning Agency (PCTPA) adopted a Regional Transportation Funding Strategy in August 2000 which included the development of a regional transportation impact fee program. PCTPA staff worked with the jurisdictions of South Placer County, as well as the development community, environmentalists, and community groups to develop a program and mechanism to implement this impact fee. The South Placer Regional Transportation Authority (SPRTA), formed in January 2002, is the result of those efforts.
Under the Joint Powers Agreement that formed SPRTA, PCTPA is designated as the entity to provide administrative, accounting, and staffing support for the Authority. PCTPA is to be reimbursed for those staffing costs, as well as repaid for previous expenditures used to form the JPA and develop the fee program. Specifically, PCTPA:
- Provides administrative, accounting, and staff support for the SPRTA
- Oversees the implementation of the SPRTA’s traffic impact fee as delineated in the Implementation Program, providing updates as indicated
- Develops agendas for Authority Board and advisory committees Monthly/as needed
- Provides financial information to Board
- Provide information and reports to interested developers, groups, and citizens
Member Agencies: