Highway 65 Widening

In an effort to relieve congestion and improve safety, the Placer County Transportation Planning Agency and its partners, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), the South Placer Regional Transportation Authority, Placer County, and the Cities of Lincoln, Rocklin, and Roseville, propose to widen Highway 65 from Galleria Boulevard/Stanford Ranch Road to Blue Oaks Boulevard and add auxiliary lanes from Blue Oaks Boulevard to Lincoln Boulevard.
The overall project is estimated to cost $115 million, but due to limited available funding, the entire Highway 65 Widening project cannot be designed and constructed in one phase. The first phase of the project will add a third southbound lane between the Blue Oaks Boulevard and the Galleria Boulevard/Stanford Ranch Road interchanges, add an auxiliary lane from Pleasant Grove On-Ramp to the Galleria Off-Ramp, and widen the Galleria Off Ramp to two lanes at an estimated cost of $25 million.
PCTPA received both state and federal environmental certification in March 2018 and completed final design in 2020. While Phase 1 design is funded by local traffic impact fees, PCTPA continues to seek funding for construction. As additional funding becomes available, the next phases of the Highway 65 Widening Project will be designed and constructed.
Construction of Phase 1 is dependent on funding being available, as shown in the schedule below.

Project Documents
The final Mitigated Negative Declaration and Initial Study, along with other project documents are available for download.