I-80 Auxiliary Lanes
About the Project

The Interstate 80 Auxiliary Lanes Project includes adding an auxiliary lane on eastbound I-80, between Highway 65 and Rocklin Road, and a fifth lane on westbound I-80, between Douglas Boulevard and Riverside Avenue. Currently, Interstate 80 is not working to its full potential because of high traffic levels during peak commute hours.

To improve traffic flow on I-80 this project is constructing multiple improvements. An I-80 eastbound auxiliary lane is being constructed between the existing SR 65 eastbound on-ramp and the existing Rocklin Road eastbound off- ramp. The auxiliary lane would improve safety by reducing stop and go traffic through enhanced capacity, merging and weaving facilities. The existing I-80 eastbound off-ramp at Rocklin Road is also being widened from one lane to two lanes. The two-lane off-ramp will transition into the existing three-lane portion of the off-ramp.
The existing fifth lane on I-80 westbound is being extended past the existing Douglas Boulevard off-ramp through the Riverside Avenue interchange to the existing five lanes, creating a continuous five lanes on westbound I-80 from east of Douglas Boulevard to west of Riverside Avenue. The existing I-80 westbound two-lane off-ramp at Douglas Boulevard is being converted to a one-lane off-ramp to provide space for the new fifth lane. A fifth lane on I-80 westbound between Douglas Boulevard and Riverside Avenue will provide a great benefit to the area, resulting in five continuous lanes from Highway 65 to the Capital City Freeway.
Current Status
The I-80 Auxiliary Lanes Final Project Report was completed in October 2016 and has received federal and state environmental approvals. Right-of-way certification occurred in March 2022. The Construction Cooperative Agreement was executed in April 2022 and amended in August 2022 and April 2023. PS&E was completed in May 2022 and Ready to List occurred in May 2002. Advertisement for construction occurred in late October 2022. Mitigation Agreements, payment of mitigation fees, and tree permits were completed in May 2023. Contract award occurred in May 2023, with approval in June 2023. Construction will begin in August 2023 and last until about September 2024. Construction of the I-80 Auxiliary Lanes project is estimated to cost $46.06 million in 2023 dollars and is funded through a combination of state and federal grants and local development traffic impact fees. Caltrans is the implementing agency.