Solvi Sabol

Planning Administrator and Board Secretary, Solvi Sabol believes that her career was “meant to be.” She’s a Placer County native whose family includes three generations of public servants at the County, so it was a perfect fit when she started work for Placer County 25 years ago. Sabol was first employed with the Placer County Public Works Department. At that time, Placer County Transportation Commission (PCTC), now known as PCTPA, was housed under Public Works. As PCTPA became its own agency, the Executive Director saw Sabol as a perfect candidate for the Administrative Assistant position and convinced her to apply. She has been with PCTPA ever since, and feels that she “grew up with the agency.” For Sabol, transportation projects are “more than roads, bus routes, and bikeways,” because she believes these projects represent a potential to improve the quality of life for Placer residents. It’s about getting people to where they need be efficiently and safely. Sabol enjoys living in Newcastle with her husband and finds that Placer County has been an ideal place to raise her two children. Solvi can be reached at via phone at 530-823-4030 or via email at