Rick Carter, PE, TE

As PCTPA's Deputy Executive Director, Rick Carter works closely with the Executive Director to execute PCTPA’s work program efforts, focusing on the timely and cost-effective execution of PCTPA-led transportation projects and programs. Rick’s extensive knowledge and record of success in improving transportation infrastructure throughout the Sacramento region made him our top pick to join PCTPA. In his more than 25 years of experience in the region, Rick has done it all, including all phases of capital project delivery, transportation funding and planning, and rural transit system management. Born and raised in Orange County, CA, Rick studied Civil Engineering at California State Polytechnic University Pomona and is a registered Civil and Traffic Engineer. After graduating college, Rick moved to the region to take a job at Caltrans as a Bridge Engineer. Since then, Rick has held increasingly responsible positions as a transportation project manager at El Dorado County Department of Transportation (DOT), the Capital Program Manager at the City of Elk Grove, and most recently, managing transportation funding and bicycle, pedestrian, and transit programs at Sacramento County DOT. In his free time, when not playing soccer, Rick enjoys golf, or coaxing his wife, son, or daughter out to kayak, bike ride, or play disc golf.
You can reach Rick at (530) 823-4033 or rcarter@pctpa.net.